this is the photo that i took during the 3 hours break and zoe fyn, hooi chi, shu hoey and i went to gurney and had our lunch together at Winter don't think that we're rich .well, maybe except for the someone.. XD..i'm not the someone of course...LOl..but because of the 3 hours break, it's kinda impossible for us to stay at school and do nothing right? that's why we ended up to go gurney.. heh... XP..
hmmm~ i'm studying business studies in disted but according to what they said, business studies in disted is also business admin so i choose disted as well, cause of the environment is better than inti..heh...^^
then, i realized that college life isn't that great like how my seniors told me.. i think it's kind of boring?? don't have activities . but one thing is, i still feel that time isn't enough for me?lol...
i still waorking as a part time art teacher..^^.. have some income.. at least i don't have to always get money from parent when i needed..
other than that, i still hoping that i can be successfully persue my ambition as designer !! but i don't know when and how i start my path way to it. don't feel weird that my ambition is to be a designer but study business studies. well, i thought it before. my mom wanted me to study business admin . ok , never mind. i go and study it. after that, i still wanna study design next time or maybe i can open a campany and have my business on design... hope so...>.<...
ok, come back to college life in disted. hmmm~ so far so good recently. nothing much problem on studies i guess... still can follow my accounting and others. but for microcomputing, lol... still need to study .OH! and that stupid pengajian malaysia... lol... damn! i really so miss pn. Goh who was my history teacher.. she teaches very good but now, a malay teacher teaches p.m... lol... only she talk and nobody i wanna listen , but i really can't get what she is talking it... let me need to study it again at home... sigh... bad news is,i still haven't started to study it. cannot !cannot!! i have to touch it on monday onwards!! >.<...
ok, i think that's all for now ....^^... need to sleep d... bubbye~