well,i'm going to have my f.i.m mid-term exam on Monday so i just show you guys my NEW and 1st! sunglasses!! it's from Nichii. ;)... it's very cheap anyway so i bought it with my own money ! ^^...
haha!!! i know, this looks like Ultraman...or maybe a fly... XD.. my friend said that...=="..*boxxx him!! * >.<
as you can see... my hair is growing with it's effort ... :D.. but still shorter than my friendsss'...:'(
this?? XD... just want to post it out to surprised you guys... XD..better ignore it...XD.
At Last!!!! jiang!*jiang!!*jiang!!!jiang!!!!* XD.... my sunglasses and my rabbit which is given by my cute student!! >.<... so touch!! never thought of i'll get a pressie from my student as a part time art teacher... T_T...**so Touch~~* too happy and touch till forgotten to take photos of her and me with this cute little bunny...>.<....
i have to stop now... got to start open my book...my god!! so many chapters to study...T_T...
bubbyezzzz~~ i'll try to blog often from now...^^...