Journey coming back from k.l

Yea!! this cup is my brother ask his friend got from Hong Kong's 7eleven..
hiak!!hiak!! it's limited edition!!
this cat might not be that cute like others but it's 3D!!
not bad... quite like it...^^

this is the back view of the cup..
nice right??heh..i like it...^^

muahahaha!!! keychain from Hong Kong Disneyland!!
i like this alot !!>.<

Yea!! it's Hello Kitty's instance noodle from Hong Kong!! hiak hiak hiak!!
i saw an email last time inside of this cup of hello kitty instance noodle everything are in hello kitty shapes too!! woohoo!! can't wait to open it and show you ...XD
i'll show you when i wanna to eat it!!

lol...well...Hello Kitty socks
I wonder how i will wear these socks ...hmmm..
can somebody teach me??
also bought from my brother...he said he saw it vry cute so he bought it for me...
gosh!! how to wear these socks!!

oo!! this is the present i bought it from K.L...
wanna give it to my Honey ' best friend'..^^
hope she like it...^^
ermm..it's just look like this pic when take it out...
i found it vry cute and match her alot so i decided to buy it for her...

normal...nothing much actually ...
normal means nice...^^
a present for a guy..
aikzz...donno what to give for a guy...so just bought this for him...
not bad right?^^

haha!! a tee bought from K.L
i found it looks unique
so my dad bought it for me...
from a shop called O.D.F

back view of my tee^^
well...how is it??
actually i bought a blouse too..but after taking a pic of it i felt..
like a pragnent blouse !!
lol...but it's obviously not like it actually...it's vry nice...honestly!!

yea!! things that i brought back from K.L this time...^^
ok,that's all of my blog...
arh~~ donno how to blog much...
try to upgrade myself to put on interesting view...
wah lau wehhh..
so many things this round ah~
great posting wor!~
regiester yourself with this advertiser..
sure lah!!!
give by you also so many d lah..
thx anyway...^^
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