Woohoo!!! Finally!! XD....finally we've done our art folio and the big M'sia poster!! >.<....thank god!! >.<...give us applauses~ clap*clap* >.<...
been doing it for Months!! Omg!! i would want to puke if i see M'sia poster again!! >.<
well, these are the photos about us...last day for bloody folio and poster! >.<
#1. everybody were drying all their posters outside our art class...
#2 haha! there's a model standing there..represented 5p3..XD
these are the drawings we've done...lol...only few of it..^^
#4 Q.Z's drawing
#5 Y.L's drawing
#6 S.Lam's drawing
#7 don't know whose drawing..>.<
#8 Y.P's drawing
#10 T.X's drawing...i like this one!^^..cute^^

#12 oh!oh! this is mine! XP
#13 bossie's
this is the alien i mentioned...XD...so pro...admire...@.@
Shu juan! she's talented too^^
this is J.y with her drawing
teehee^^ guess who is this? XP... it's me of course! XP
oh these are my folio and poster^^..how's it? ^^
open pages of my folio...well,i didn't took all of the pichas...too many of it..>.<...
#26 #27
~The End~ ^^...hope you come back and visit my blog again...^^...Muacks!