everybody knows that i'm pro on it even teacher....feel proud of it...^^muahahaha!! XP
BUT!! because of that!! teacher asked me to show the other's how to do the actual style...
lol...ok..never mind~ just do it...omg!! it was like you are surrounded by students and everybody eyes on you!! T_T...so nervoused ..then also i'd not practiced for one year...lol...every year practice once during rumah sukan only...lol..-_-"
not much staminal, didn't warm up...+ nervous....1st time,ok...no problem as it was totally easy to jump cause it was in children hight for me...but 2nd time,teacher wanted me to jump higher to shows my real ability to them!!
Ahhhh!! haven't yet warm up then go for it...T_T...there....injury on elbow~~~ T_T...ouch! hurts~~ Huk~huk~ T_T...
heh...forget bout it...will recover soon i guess...lol...
sight* this year is my last year in school...i should take the pic of high jump on me..>.<....
primary till now never took any picture on high jump~~ SWEAT!! what a waste!!
hope that when the time i go for competition...my teacher would allow me to snap some pictures~~ T_T .... really wasted alot man....so sad~~sight* XO..
well,that's all for today...just came back from tuition...got LOTSS of homeworks from school!! >.<...
my life got full of assignments and books this year!! Ahhhhh!!! >.<
bye everyone!! parents had come back ..tatasss!! ^^
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