it was fun!!^^...
i enjoyed it alot!! >.<...maybe i never went for a camp which have to stay for 4 days 3 nights before... Haha!! firstly me and my honey (YL) were like...omg!! so many guys!! harly see any of girls!! after that we decided to call a taxi to go home ,or whatever...just want to leave there that's all!! XP...then we finally saw some girls walked in and phew...we think that luckily still got girls....then never mind...just try our best to accept it since we've paid...when we went in,we go to find our team which our paper they sent to our says we're in the same team...but then omg!! i can't find my name in the same team v YL!! then start to ask that leader where's my name!! he help me to asked other we know we're actually not in the same team...urhhh!! then still not giving up and go to ask 'ying zang' XD..(dono what ying zang in eng calls)..ask her to change out team together...but at the idea to change...T__T
then there it goes again~~ hehe...we were thinking to call a taxi to leave there again...XD after that we're just forget bout it and just accept the truth we faced... ok,well, i just sumerise everything... 4 days 3 nights is not a short time... 1st day,they ask us to eat chillis and breads!!!omg!! i was like ahhhhhh!!! do i really need to eat that!? omg!!! what to do!?! lol...then at last a brave guy in my team!! >.<...he ate it most of the chillies!! WOW!! incredible!! abnormal!! haha!! >.<...luckily my team so kind...haha!!didn't force me to eat that chilli which i scare i just eat those breads...just 2 slices actually...luckily i was not that full after that lunch...or else i don't think i can eat 2nd day morning,all of us turn into ice tube or even mummy!! XP...cause 1st day night all of us were having chit-chat then because of felt hot so we change the temperature to 16 or 18 !! morning wake up cold like hell !! all of the games are very fascinating!! not bad...though my team lost in the 2nd day station games...>.<>
then 3rd day,we can finally lead up !! we won in 3 stations just lost one of it...not bad ...^^*applause* for my team...yeaaaa...^^
they invited a professional speaker named Mr.Ma to have a speech was awsome!! he's totally an out standing speaker man!! *applause*for him too!! >.<>.< touch!!.... also,alot of ppl serve me water and foods ...omg!! that is my 1st time i think.. XP...that's really make me paiseh and touched.....T_T...really thanks to them to take care of me ...>.<... everybody are very friendly !! not regret for it!!^^...

tada!! this is the letter envolope which let our angel put anything in...

this is what my angel put in for that 4's actually alot but looks few in pic..XD..nvm..
i think my angel want me to get

this is our Camp T...^^...nice isn't it...i like it alot!!

our camp book of course ...

my tag!! lol...-_-"...abit of stupid when wearing it...XP

HAHA!! that's the wounds i got during one of the game!! XP....
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