Sunday, January 16, 2011

DKNY delicious

This is the fragrance that i want it for a looooooong time... still dreaming that someone would give me as a present.... ahahahah!!! (*slap myself !!*) ok. wake up d...XP...

well,nobody will buy it for me, then i should get a bloody part time job to buy it by myself!>.<..

but i'm so lazyyyyyy~~...T_T... die.. only can see it from my picture file ... :'(....

it smells sweet ..^^... it doesn't smell like the other fragrance like strong perfume smell...this? it just make you feel soft and sweet ^^... love it!! >.<... oh! it have a blossom smell too...maybe both of these ..i'll get either one!!..>.<... I NEED MONEY!!! >.<

#this is the advertisment of DKNY delicious...>.<... admireeee~~>.<


Brian Lim CK said...

I buy for u~ ^^ haha XD Just kidding~~
How much is it??? where can buy it??

KELL said... perfume department... DKNY costed 200++...XD....

Brian Lim CK said...

wow..... so expensive la~~~
Ask ur bf buy for u la...... haha XD

KELL said...

hahahah!! if it's cheap then i'll ask him to buy but it's expensive so better don't suck his blood...XD....

Brian Lim CK said...

haha.... so u just sucks ur friends blood? ^^