hey guys, i'm back again!! ^^.. ok, this is the (barbie shoes)so called (wawa xie) in chinese i bought last week ...at 1st, it was highly terribly hurts... cause i bought the most fitting size for my foots.. but after wearing for few times, it's better now and i can walk freely by wearing it!!^^.. thank god man~ >.<... or i will need to force myself to wear it with no mercy!! well, it got 30% sales that's why i bought it as my dad wished that for a long time ..XD... i like it too~ it can matches with any cloths we wear! ;D..
that's all for today, stay tune, still got more incoming !^^..muackzzz!! good night all!! ^^
OH!OH! before i end this, let me post a cam-whore !! XP...
this is the photo that i taken before i go out to Bon-odori last errmmm~ week? forgotten..lol...will post more about that but my friend still haven't pass me his pen drive..==".. that's why i can't post much...>.<...ok lah, gtg naow! bubbye!! ^^
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